

My name is Marta, I am a children and family photographer based in Warsaw, Poland. If you were looking for an English speaking photographer for your family either in Poland or some other country, you found me!

I love to travel and meet other cultures, I used to live in Switzerland and the Netherlands. One of my favourite places to be is Tuscany, Italy… although I cannot speak Italian! I like the ocean, little towns, foggy hills or bicycles in Amsterdam. I don’t like Bangkok and other enormously big and busy cities.

Most of all, I am a mom of three little boys and wife to a wonderful man. I have always had the passion for photography but I wouldn’t be where I am without my children. They are the ones that made me learn the art of capturing moments more and more. And so I follow them with my camera in my hands, watching them grow so fast and being happy that when I am older, I will be able to look at all these photos I took in the past. And the memories I once froze will come back to me.

I am passionate about capturing families and their life in a beautiful way. Let me help make your memories last a long time.

You can find my contact info here:


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